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About us

We are Kerri James

Your practice is both a passion and a business.

Our goal is to help you achieve yours.

The legal space is rapidly changing. Lawyers are facing market forces that have raised the stakes, leaving many attorneys to face a harsh reality: Evolve or die.

It’s never been more important to have the information and tools at your fingertips to operate with strategic vision and intentionality. 

The most successful companies in the world leverage their data to achieve unprecedented growth. 

KerriJames helps law firms build systems and report data in ways that empower decision-makers with insights that propel growth despite these mounting challenges.


The game has changed.

And the playbook is in our hands.

To build a practice that is predictable, profitable, and growing, that identifies opportunity and chases it, you simply cannot operate like your grandfather’s law firm of yesteryear. 

We’re here to help firms grow regardless of the challenges they may face. Increasing competition. Rising costs. Saturated markets. You can still win.

Opportunity exists despite the obstacles our industry faces. Data shows you where they lie.

Stop operating your practice like it’s 1993. It’s time to take your law firm to the next level.

Our Team

Alexis Ohanian-tweeted overhyped ed-Tech series D. Defence-contracting Tel Aviv startup accelerator. Hacker News addicted Austin tech-worker. Python-learning destitute growth hacker.