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data driven law firms

Kerri is a proud member of TLP and has been serving the legal industry in marketing, intake and business development for over a decade.

As CEO of KerriJames, she is relentless in her pursuit of improving intake so law firms can retain more cases without buying more leads.

Mike Papantonio

Senior Partner, Levin Papantonio

“Kerri is one of the greatest innovators in the country”

Next level growth guide

With so many digital tools available, you probably already have the data to work with. The next step is to figure out how to get the right insights that can inform action—which is where data is its most impactful.


is the Game

Data intelligence takes your law firm to the NEXT LEVEL

The data-driven consumer experience has arrived for legal services: trends powering the change

Many stay stuck at their current level of success — not doing bad, but not growing at the pace they really want and eventually becoming stagnant.

Yet, a select few ambitious attorneys decide to pursue unreasonable growth

There’s a BIG difference between the destinations these two paths will lead you

In a state of gradual growth, you work hard to get ahead. It’s growth by grit and luck alone.

It’s how I started. And it’s what most (average) attorneys do.

You grow bit by bit, every year.

It works… until something changes… and things stop working.

In today’s legal landscape, everything is evolving very fast.

If you struggle to adapt, you’ll fail to keep up and you’ll become stagnant.

Before you know it, you get left behind.

You lose out on all the best clients, and you painfully watch as all highest-value cases go to the firms who manage to stand out from the noise.

That’s because in today’s competitive market, even if you’re an outstanding lawyer, you’re getting lost in the shuffle. The reality is: the legal game has changed.

It’s not a level playing field anymore… and it’s getting harder to compete.

The ONLY way to truly thrive these days is to set your firm apart from the competition and stand out as the obvious choice in your market.

Doing this requires you to take a different path:

The path of unreasonable growth.

If you’re an ambitious attorney, chances are you’re already successful.But you know you’ve only achieved a tiny fraction of your true potential.

I’m here to lead by example… to challenge you to play a bigger game and achieve the next level of growth for your firm.

Accelerate your business growth 1

The data-driven consumer experience has arrived for legal services: trends powering the change
Let’s get to know each other

Accelerate your business growth 2

The data-driven consumer experience has arrived for legal services: trends powering the change
Let’s get to know each other

Accelerate your business growth 3

The data-driven consumer experience has arrived for legal services: trends powering the change
Let’s get to know each other

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Kerri James
and her passion
for teaching people

Hi there, If you found me on Google, I’m not surprised. I’ve put in my 30,000+ hours obsessing over search-ranking algorithms, systems building, and scalable growth.

Our blog

The question, “What is intake?” may seem a silly one to you, but to potential clients, it’s far from obvious. For firms, the intake process
2 minutes

Seo hero’s guide

Go from zero…to multiple zeros, leveraging the simplest, most powerful, and most overlooked search ranking strategies.